Sharing opportunities for industrial training while studying.

oil & gas

Fostering skills development

Attracting and recruiting skilled staff can be challenging. Investing in local content initiatives is the way forward to reflect the expansion of the oil and gas industry in Myanmar.

MPRL E&P has introduced the internship program since the year 2013 to provide internship opportunities for the younger generations of geoscientists and petroleum engineering students.

MPRL E&P provides real-world exposure and responsibilities for interns who take away practical experiences and professional achievements. Duration of the program can be as short as weeks or as long as months depending on the requirements of their course of study like preparation for dissertation or thesis or their length of holidays.

The latest statistics show that MPRL E&P has hosted the interns mostly from Yangon Technological University (YTU), Thanlyin Technological University (TTU), Dagon University, University of Yangon and Government Technical Institute. The following table indicates the number of students who had completed successfully for their internship program since the year 2013 to 2023.


University Number of Students
Yangon Technological University 37
Thanlyin Technological University 26
University of Yangon 9
Dagon University 4
Government Technical Institute & Other Universities 18


total number of internship



total number of internship



total number of internship


As part of their mandatory industrial training, the students travelled to Mann Field and participated in three aspects of the program:

Students from other disciplines can also get an opportunity to take an internship in other business support units.


Empowering Young Talents for Brighter Future in Energy Sector

At MPRL E&P, we recognize the paramount importance of nurturing the next generation of professionals in the energy sector. This commitment materialized through the inception of our internship program in 2009, initially targeting Geoscience students enrolled in Master of Science (MSc) classes at Yangon University. Over the years, the program has evolved to include Petroleum Engineering students from Yangon Technological University (YTU) since 2013.

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Empowering Young Talents for Brighter Future in Energy Sector

At MPRL E&P, we recognize the paramount importance of nurturing the next generation of professionals in the energy sector. This commitment materialized through the inception of our internship program in 2009, initially targeting Geoscience students enrolled in Master of Science (MSc) classes at Yangon University. Over the years, the program has evolved to include Petroleum Engineering students from Yangon Technological University (YTU) since 2013.

Emphasizing the program’s purpose, U Thu Nyo, Technical Manager at MPRL E&P, stated, “Our internship programs are designed to foster promising individuals capable of making significant contributions to our company’s future success. Aligned with our company’s vision and values, these initiatives uphold the high academic standards set by our partner universities, empowering young talents for a brighter future in the energy sector.”

In December 2023, MPRL E&P’s Senior Executive Management approved an internship request from Yangon Technological University. The company welcomed nine final-year Petroleum Engineering students, including two male and seven female interns, for a comprehensive internship spanning from 04 December 2023 to 29 March 2024. Divided into two groups, these interns attended the office on alternate weeks, and received industrial training, thesis support, and exposure to technical departments aligned with their interests. Also, the interns delivered a presentation to the Senior Executive Management as an integral component of their internship program. This initiative is specifically crafted to enrich their learning and training journey with MPRL E&P.

The interns expressed enthusiasm about the internship opportunity at MPRL E&P and underscored the practical insights gained during their two-month internship as follows.

Let Yee Htoo noted, “Currently, there’s only one supervisor available at our university’s department, so the Technical Team Leads from MPRL E&P are assisting with our industrial training and helping us with our upcoming thesis work. Due to the ongoing security concerns, we couldn’t carry out practical studies at Mann Field. However, we’ve been given the opportunity to join the daily conference call between Yangon Office Team and Field Operations Team, allowing us to gain insights as if we were in the field. We’ve realized the significant difference between our theoretical knowledge and practical experience. We’re required to document our daily activities, submit weekly reports, and present findings to our mentors. This process enables us to verify the accuracy of our understanding of the discussed topics. Overall, the mentor support has been incredibly beneficial and effective for us.”

Shwe Sin Win Htet expressed, “We are interns here because our professor recommended us to MPRL E&P. However, I’ve always wanted to intern at MPRL E&P because it offers better hands-on experiences compared to other local companies and provides extensive industrial knowledge, including Mann Field Operations. Therefore, I prefer MPRL E&P. We can learn about the latest industry software updates. Currently, the company is working on a Water Treatment Project, which aligns with my interest in Water Quality Analysis for my thesis. My mentors assured me that they would provide data assistance for my thesis, even after my internship ends. I hope they continue to support me. I’m a bit concerned about conducting laboratory tests for water quantity in my thesis, but if successful, I believe it will benefit the company as well.”

Nanda Htin Kyaw remarked, “This is my first internship, and so far, I haven’t faced any major challenges. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my soft skills, such as communication, time management, and building professional relationships. Additionally, I’m learning about the company’s structured and formal office culture. When I first joined, I wasn’t sure which area I was most interested in. However, after attending presentations from various Technical Departments within the company, I was able to find my interests and determine my future career focus. This experience has inspired me to consider pursuing a master’s degree.”

Chue Moh Moh Aung reflected, “During my internship, I learned insights about Geology, especially concerning Mann Field. In the Drilling Department, we discussed how this company’s drilling rules and policies differ from others, showing the unique approach we take. I realized that theory and practical work can be quite different. While I mainly studied theory at school, my internship gave me hands-on experience, which helped me apply what I’ve learned in real situations. This practical experience has been crucial for me in problem-solving. My work in Production & Planning also showed me potential career paths, giving me a clearer idea of what I want to do in the future. Throughout my internship, the company provided access to valuable data, which was something I didn’t have in school. This helped me understand the company’s operations better. While my internship started with a focus on my thesis, I now see the industrial training aspect as more beneficial, as it gives me a broader understanding of the industry. Using the knowledge from my internship, I plan to reshape my thesis for the next semester.”

Myat Noe Wai shared, “During our fourth year, we had the opportunity to intern at MPRL E&P’s Mann Field for field studies. The hands-on experiences I gained during that time proved invaluable when I became an intern in my final year. Listening to the explanations about Mann Field from our supervisors helped me understand things clearly. I realized that theory and practical application in the company are quite different. Here, if we have any doubts, we can immediately ask our mentors, which makes everything clearer. That’s why I’m now more interested in the Reservoir Engineering (RE) section that I’ve been assigned to. I’m eager to learn more about it. MPRL E&P not only offers free learning opportunities but also provides transportation, lunch, and study materials, which makes the learning process very convenient. Instead of just fulfilling work duties, it’s a great way to study and prepare for my future career in the industry.”

Hsu Yee Htet expressed gratitude, stating, “We extend our sincere gratitude to the CEO for accepting all nine intern students. Without this opportunity, those who didn’t secure an internship would have felt uneasy. We also express our appreciation to the Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department and Sayar U Thu Nyo for their assistance in planning and supporting the internship program. Throughout the internship period, everything from transportation to lunch and laptops was provided, making the experience convenient for us. Each person’s internship experience may vary. In our Planning & Production Engineering (PPE) Department, mentors prioritize thesis work, and I, too, am focusing more on my thesis. Additionally, mentors from the PPE Department offer periodic industrial training sessions. Furthermore, Technical Team Leads readily provide explanations, facilitating quick reference searches for our theses. This supportive environment allows us to manage our time effectively. We, the interns, are grateful for all these provisions and support. Thank you very much.”

Aung Kaung Myat reflected, “In our university, we must focus on theory, but here during my internship, my mentors share their real-world experiences and provide practical lessons. Without prior field experience, I rely on listening to the experiences of mentors to learn. Participating in the daily conference calls helps bridge the gap between theory and reality, making the learning experience more tangible. This internship has granted me insights into the operations of a local oil and gas company and the tasks they undertake. One of the main challenges I face is self-study. However, I’ve been steadily improving my understanding of technical terms used in practical settings. Looking ahead, I aim to pursue a master’s degree and gain further industrial training experience. This internship has been incredibly beneficial in preparing me for these future endeavors.”

Su Myat Saw Naing shared insights, saying, “I’m currently assigned to the Drilling Department, where my mentors offer tailored assistance for my thesis topic. The seniors in this office are not only friendly but also approachable, leaving a positive impression on me. During our initial meeting with the CEO, we learned of his commitment to ensuring the productivity and growth of young individuals like us. He discussed various topics, including Pyitharyar Integrated Project (PIP) and the potential for AIT scholarship opportunities. When we expressed our interest in learning more about AIT to the CEO, the seniors promptly organized a knowledge sharing session to share their experiences, which was very insightful. It’s rewarding to see the CEO swiftly responded to our requests and act. Additionally, we now have access to convenient online training support, offering us more opportunities for growth. Furthermore, the company has pledged support for necessary teaching materials at our university. We are sincerely grateful to the CEO for his support and dedication.”

Ei Pwint Phyu discussed, “We’re balancing our industrial training alongside thesis preparation. I share the knowledge gained from industrial training with my group members, facilitating discussions. If we focus solely on the thesis, we might overlook other essential aspects. U Thu Nyo ensures we grasp necessary industrial training concepts. Despite the current difficulty in securing local oil and gas internships, with support from our professor and MPRL E&P, we’ve completed this internship. Though field opportunities are limited, this internship remains invaluable. Mentors also provide insights crucial for future careers. MPRL E&P remains my top choice for job applications, prioritizing field experience. Thanks to MPRL E&P for its kind support.”

MPRL E&P’s commitment extends beyond internship programs. In response to the shortage of professors at Yangon Technological University (YTU), the initial group of AIT graduates, our young professionals from the Technical Department, have volunteered to serve as part-time lecturers for undergraduate students at YTU this semester. Additionally, they will be conducting industrial knowledge-sharing sessions for undergraduate students studying Petroleum Engineering at YTU. By taking on this responsibility, these young professionals not only feel empowered and fulfilled by giving back to their university during crucial times but also consider it a civic duty as responsible citizens.

In conclusion, we are confident that this collaborative initiative in education will bring great benefits to all the respective institutions, fostering a culture of knowledge exchange and academic support. By investing in the education and talent development of these students, MPRL E&P cultivates future energy leaders and contributes to the enrichment of society.


Personal Reflection on CSR Internship

Hello, everyone! My name is Kaung Htet Han, and I am here to share my short but impactful journey as an intern at MPRL E&P. To provide a little background, I am a twenty-year-old graduate from Myanmar Imperial University (MIU), holding a diploma in Business Management. Currently preparing for my pursuit of a Bachelor of Business Management Degree in the United Kingdom (UK), I have a strong desire to one day establish my own successful business, akin to the impressive legacy of MPRL E&P.

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Personal Reflection on CSR Internship

Hello, everyone! My name is Kaung Htet Han, and I am here to share my short but impactful journey as an intern at MPRL E&P. To provide a little background, I am a twenty-year-old graduate from Myanmar Imperial University (MIU), holding a diploma in Business Management. Currently preparing for my pursuit of a Bachelor of Business Management Degree in the United Kingdom (UK), I have a strong desire to one day establish my own successful business, akin to the impressive legacy of MPRL E&P.

Recognizing the important of internship experiences in shaping my future study in the UK and fulfilling my entrepreneurial aspirations, I eagerly sought opportunities as soon as I completed my Higher National Diploma (HND) at MIU. During this pursuit, my mother suggested applying for an internship at MPRL E&P, known for its socially responsible practices and commitment to local youth development — a perfect match for my goals and values.

At my mother’s request, U Sithu Moe Myint, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of MPRL E&P, facilitated an internship opportunity for me at the company. Following the COO’s recommendation, I underwent a personal interview with MPRL E&P’s Human Resources (HR) Department. Their insights into the company, highlighting its technical focus as an oil and gas company with five business support departments aligned with my specialized major, Business Management, guided me in choosing the CSR & Communications Department. My positive impression of the company’s CSR initiatives and keen interest in CSR’s role in supporting business operations made this choice a resounding success.

Arriving at the Vantage Tower, I was blown away by its impressive architecture and very high security measures. Despite some initial concerns about fitting in with my seniors, they proved to be kind and always ready to assist whenever needed. The working atmosphere at MPRL E&P made me feel very comfortable and I looked forward to coming to work every day.

During the first week of my internship, many orientation sessions provided me with comprehensive knowledge of the roles and responsibilities across different departments. Additionally, I read a significant number of the company’s newsletters, which are an excellent source for gaining insights into the past, present, and future endeavors, and enriched my understanding of MPRL E&P’s actions and stories from staff members.

My internship period, spanning from 06 November 2023 to 19 December 2023 — just one and a half months — was short but incredibly educational, especially in the field of CSR. When I started my internship at CSR & Communications Department, I quickly learned how MPRL E&P runs its business ethically and strategically invests in social initiatives within Mann Field Communities.

I also discovered that orientation sessions and reading assignments including the newsletters and reports really taught me about MPRL E&P’s CSR Program; the many community investment initiatives that are being implemented in Mann Field. These strategic initiatives include Community Infrastructure Development, Community Livelihood Development, Educational Partnership, Community Capacity Building, Community Healthcare Program, Community-led Waste Management, Operational Grievance Mechanism, Stakeholder Engagement, and Corporate Philanthropy. The very systematic and well-formed nature of these programs are impressive, particularly the Community Livelihood Development, Community Healthcare and Educational Partnership Programs.

I strongly believe that investing in livelihood programs is crucial for our human kind. I discovered that Mann Field Communities are largely dependent on agriculture, and receive support through the CSR Program, including agricultural inputs such as tomato, chickpea, and sunflower seeds. The loan program, funding pilot project farms, empowering agricultural knowledge, and supporting the cultivation process contribute to the sustainable development of Mann Field Communities.

Moreover, the understanding that “health is wealth” resonates not only for us individuals but also for Mann Field Communities. MPRL E&P’s Community Healthcare Program offers free healthcare services through Mobile Clinics sessions, benefiting thousands in Mann Field Communities. The eye healthcare program and healthcare-related knowledge provided by MPRL E&P’s CSR Program contribute to the well-being of community members. While I have not met them, reading their interviews in newsletters and witnessing their happiness brings me great joy.

Since 2013, MPRL E&P has been providing internship opportunities to younger generations. As I am one the beneficiaries in the internship opportunities, I have seen that MPRL E&P empowers the local youth not only with the internship program but also with the scholarship program. In Mann Field, MPRL E&P’s CSR program collaborates with government agencies and training institutes, providing scholarship support to local youth. These educational partnerships enable youth to continue their education, acquire the necessary skills, and create better employment opportunities. I am genuinely grateful for MPRL E&P’s investment in future generations and local talent development.

During my internship, I also participated in the “Bear with Me” campaign of the CSR & Communications Department, which added a delightful twist to my internship. Supporting my seniors in event preparation, registration, and documentation, I gained insights into internal communications ideas and creative concepts for future learning. The stuffed fluffy bears during the campaign added an extra layer of happiness and excitement, and I hope my seniors “Bear with Me” if I made any mistakes during my internship.

Before beginning my internship, I had participated in CSR activities through my university’s donation events, leading me to believe that corporate social responsibility (CSR) primarily involved financial contributions. However, my internship experience at MPRL E&P broadened my understanding that CSR encompasses more than monetary donations. Comparing MPRL E&P’s CSR activities with those of other local companies, it stood out as superior, actively improving the lives of communities beyond mere charity. This profound understanding of CSR will undoubtedly shape my future business ambitions.

Reflecting on my internship, I can confidently say that I gained valuable knowledge, professional experiences, and had a lot of fun. The internship program at MPRL E&P are very beneficial for future careers, and I encourage future interns to make the most of these opportunities. Through this newsletter, I extend my special thanks to the Senior Executive Management, CSR & Communications Department, and my seniors for their kind support during my internship. This chapter has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth, and I look forward to applying these learnings in my future endeavors.


Passion and Self-motivation Key to Career Success: Junior Engineer

As the global upstream oil and gas industry is experiencing unprecedented transformations by adapting to global energy dynamics, we are now seeing a significant push in talent recruitment and retention. We expect to see a more diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment that provides a more interesting culture for any organization.

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Passion and Self-motivation Key to Career Success: Junior Engineer

As the global upstream oil and gas industry is experiencing unprecedented transformations by adapting to global energy dynamics, we are now seeing a significant push in talent recruitment and retention. We expect to see a more diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment that provides a more interesting culture for any organization.

At MPRL E&P, we invest in talent because we know the importance of real-world exposure and practical experiences. Here, Daw Yu Nandar Myat, a Junior Engineer in Mann Field, throws light on a career that is rewarding and fulfilling – all one needs is a strong passion and self-motivation for engineering.
Born and brought up in Yangon in a family of four, she matriculated at No. 2 Basic Education High School in the town of South Okkalapa with flying colors. Big on becoming an engineer since her childhood, her initial attempt was to enroll in Singapore Polytechnic, which unfortunately did not go well as planned.

While reeling from a nasty surprise in life, she soon heard that the reopening of one of the most prestigious universities in Myanmar, Yangon Technological University or YTU, previously known as RIT, was underway, much to her delight. With all her determination, she went in for the university entrance exam and made the cut.

Like many other students, Yu Nandar Myat was first fascinated, impressed, and appealed by the facade of the petroleum engineering subject but remained naïve about the oil and gas industry itself. However, her feelings grew stronger after her two internships – one with MPRL E&P in her second year and another with Scomi Oiltools in her final year, where she gained hands-on experience in the oil field and most importantly, a strong passion and motivation for her future career in this industry.

During her studies, the hard-working engineer completed three intensive projects on reservoir engineering, production engineering, and drilling engineering in sequence, in an effort to balance her knowledge in all the petroleum engineering subjects. In addition, her final year thesis project was so outstanding that a journal paper on the capacities of university students was published.

Upon her graduation in 2020, Yu Nandar Myat followed a well-worn path from top Myanmar university into its oil and gas industry – she joined MPRL E&P and started working in Mann Field. She admits that life in the field operations is challenging but she believes it is equally rewarding. She explains why she is investing her youth in a tough environment.

“A building is not safe enough if its foundation is not deep, firm, or strong. Same thing with starting a career. If the foundation of starting a new career path is not firm enough, you will be wishy-washy when faced with challenges in the future. That is why I am working in the field to make myself saturated with real-world operational experiences. It is tough as old boots for a young woman but I am persisting. Also, now is the time that we see gender on a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”

Like the saying “Every cloud has a silver lining”, amid the pandemic, Yu Nandar Myat was presented with opportunities to fast-track where she ended up taking up the work of a senior engineer who is three levels higher than her current job grade in the field operations. She proudly says, “Recently, I have been able to handle the entire field data and work with minimum supervision under the tutelage of the Field Operations Management given the need to leverage minimum manpower for the operations.”

She believes that her field experience has taught her not only technical things and interpersonal relationships but also other priceless life lessons. It’s a blessing for her to be able to say she has realized her goal, and her true passion, but the even bigger prize is the journey and community that have come with it.

She has developed a strong bond with other female engineers through working together in the field operations and highlighted the importance of leaning on one another for the onslaught in a career field dominated by males.

“We have a strong sisterhood. We care for and look after one another. I understand we need to encourage one another to be independent, work smart, have a positive self-image, remain resilient and overcome difficulties and achieve our goals. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. In addition, we have to stand up for one another, protect and celebrate our own achievements instead of giving way to negative criticism,” says the Junior Engineer.

Furthermore, the young engineer looks up to the company’s equal opportunities and diversity policies as future career aspirations.

“Knowing intimately that the company values gender diversity and equal opportunities for women, I have been more motivated than ever as a young professional with a strong passion for petroleum engineering and to venture out into the field operations. In the long run, I want to gain more hands-on operational experience. I look forward to a more senior role in the near future by leading a team on several projects because I am excited to contribute to the continued growth and success of the company. To get there, I have to familiarize myself with the latest technologies and applications, and better my communications skills and operational experiences along the way.”

Yu Nandar Myat keeps herself busy by participating in community service and professional support networks during her free time. In addition to her role as one of the organizers of a charity group that supports orphaned children in the country, she is a regular blood donator to the National Blood Center Myanmar. She strives to share her educational and industrial knowledge with the undergraduate students through the two non-governmental and non-profit organizations – Petrotechnical hub and MYPEA. In addition, she likes to keep herself up-to-date and deepen her own knowledge by attending certificate courses, workshops, and training programs in her own time. She believes that she is honing not only her hard skills but also soft skills through these activities.

Yu Nandar Myat shares her thoughts concerning opportunities and challenges weighing on the upstream oil and gas industry, which remains a vital cog in the global economy in its recovery from the pandemic.

“It is interesting to see how we access and utilize state-of-the-art technologies and efforts to strive for the recovery of untapped hydrocarbons in the country, which is one of the world’s oldest oil producers and estimated to have huge oil and gas reserves. I would love to be a part of the journey as the upstream sector strives to realize the opportunity,” muses the Junior Engineer.

Further, she sees the energy transition trend as something not to be overlooked. “If you ask me, we must look after the world and protect the environment we live in. We must work together to achieve a high level of environmental performance in terms of reducing carbon footprint in the oil and gas exploration and production activities. Certain oil companies, small, large, state-owned, and private, have already begun to engage in a phase transition, away from oil and gas by 2050. As far as I’m concerned, we have to try to keep abreast with the transition seeing it as a new and exciting turn of the industry.”

With a lot of self-care and support from her family and colleagues, the Junior Engineer is geared up for the next challenges. She says, “Everyone has been careworn these couple years and so have I. I have had to find my own motivation many times – working out, learning a new language, writing a journal, exploring nature, reading self-help books, and drawing on my religious perspectives on life. I have to thank all of my colleagues and senior staff for being supportive along the way and their camaraderie is second to none. I love this warm, friendly, and family-typed atmosphere of the workplace and this is where ‘Teamwork makes the dreamwork’.”


Taking up Work at Rig Sites: Testing Limits and Possibilities

As one of the Myanmar Female Petroleum Engineers, Daw Thae Hnin Si introduces us to her role as Junior Engineer working in field operations and shares her first-hand knowledge of the industry and more. We hope our readers find her story insightful and inspiring!

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Taking up Work at Rig Sites: Testing Limits and Possibilities

As one of the Myanmar Female Petroleum Engineers, Daw Thae Hnin Si introduces us to her role as Junior Engineer working in field operations and shares her first-hand knowledge of the industry and more. We hope our readers find her story insightful and inspiring!

Thae Hnin Si, now a Yangon Technological University alumna, saw petroleum engineering as an exciting choice when she was a high school graduate who aspired to a career in engineering. However, it wasn’t until she was admitted to the Yangon Technological University which helped her decide which engineering field she wanted to pursue.

She says, “Since I was a kid, I was always interested in machines and when I passed the Matriculation Exam in 2013, I looked into the engineering field. Being the subject of estimating, calculating, and exploring for non-renewable resources, which we cannot see through our eyes and are very vital to our economic development, is what finally swayed me to petroleum engineering as my future profession.”

Both of Thae Hnin Si’s parents work in government before retiring, her father in the navy and her mother in the Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory or MPF (formerly known as BPI). Her father, who always wanted to be an engineer himself when young, was stunned and pleased with his daughter’s dream of becoming an engineer, while her mother, albeit a little bit worried about having one of her daughters work in the oil field, asked her to pursue her subject of interest and was ready to support her throughout the journey.

Despite all these encouragements from the parents, the engineering potential felt intimidating due to the fact that it is a male-dominated field: “I was aware that the petroleum engineering is a field dominated by men, both in Myanmar and elsewhere. Although I do not see any advantages or biases in regards to the industry offers towards male engineers, I did feel anxious about entering the industry, whether they would welcome and accept female talent.”

Nevertheless, Thae Hnin Si dived into her six-year studies at the university, traveling to Mann Field twice as part of field study trips and internships. On 5th February 2020, Thae Hnin Si officially started working as a Junior Engineer in the Well Servicing (Pulling Unit) Section in Mann Field, where there are ample cross-learning opportunities and rotating assignments.

The Junior Engineer says, “I like staying physically active and that’s why I joined the Field Operations Department. The second reason is that I would like to get first-hand experience and knowledge of the day-to-day operations in Mann Field and it will be my strong point when I work later in an office setting. At the moment, I am being transferred to the Data Processing Section.”
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people work overnight—Thae Hnin Si was able to take on more responsibilities during the pandemic, thanks to the company’s robust training program when a second wave arrived in Myanmar. She finds the experience empowering and voices how she is determined to be well-prepared for such opportunities in the future.

“When the second wave of COVID-19 was taking place in Myanmar, we were working in Mann Field as a “closed system”, running operations with minimum crew. I was given an opportunity to prove my willingness and competence in the Echo/Dynamo Section by working independently amidst this challenging period. Normally, I would still be a trainee in the section for up to a year and to be given such an opportunity to work independently in the meantime was very unlikely. I am very thankful to Field Management for this golden opportunity. I am looking forward to many more opportunities like this. The most interesting operations in Mann Field for me is the well servicing operations; I am still undergoing my training period and I hope to keep learning and be able to work independently in these operations in the near future.”

The Junior Engineer, who wishes to study production technology in particular, intends to become a reservoir engineer or production engineer who can harness the power of technologies. She thinks the oil and gas industry is more interesting when you have hands-on experience, and because it is one of the top significant industries that continuously adopt technologies to help streamline operations for both recovering new hydrocarbons and optimizing existing operations. By involving in the field operations, she is now truly understanding the industry’s balancing act of extracting hydrocarbons, ensuring human rights while maintaining environmental wellbeing.

“As the global oil and gas industry develops sophisticated technologies, we can utilize them at a similar pace. Foreign energy companies enter Myanmar and make use of such technologies in exploring and producing hydrocarbon resources in the country, which gives Myanmar engineers many learning opportunities. This is what’s great about the industry. On the other hand, we have become aware of the need to extract natural resources in a sustainable manner. Overexploitation of non-renewable resources like hydrocarbons can result in depletion and it will take years to replace them. Therefore, it is of great importance that the extraction methods are holistic, sustainable and systematic,” the Junior Engineer says.

She continues to enthusiastically discuss the challenges of exploring for more hydrocarbon resources in the country: “Studies indicate that there is an abundance of natural gas resources under the seabeds in offshore regions of the country and it proves to be a formidable challenge to locate and explore these resources beneath the seafloor. Naively, we tend to think that the more oil and gas we produce, the better our living standards will be. So why not? Only when I worked in the oil field did I realize practical operational challenges, volatility of oil prices, observing industry safety standards, and minimizing implications the new and existing production technologies have for the environment. As a result, I could think now in broader terms and feel more informed.”

The World Health Organization indicates in the context of the coronavirus pandemic that people are subject to a range of concerns, including fear of falling sick and being socially excluded. The Junior Engineer observes that the pandemic and infection control measures create multiple effects on employees where there are fewer people at the workplace while more workload lies there for the skeleton staff. She shares her experience of working outside of the normal routine in the field: “Having to stay home during a wave of the pandemic takes a toll on the mental health for some employees while others have to stay a prolonged period in the field because the crew change is postponed to a later date. I myself spent two-thirds of the last year working in the field but the away period from home was not too obvious to me due to the instant communication with the family via the Internet.”

Additionally, Thae Hnin Si believes the country’s new realities in recent months and its weight on operations in Mann Field as well as interactions with the host communities on a daily basis contribute to employees’ mental health and wellbeing. It is obvious at this point that the depth of some people’s political beliefs and the heightened distrust of those with differing views can sometimes be a source of additional pressures on those working in operations to a certain extent.

Despite all these shortcomings, the Yangon-born Junior Engineer is proud of her field life filled with days working side by side with senior male colleagues—never giving up learning, staying fit, and maintaining self-confidence.

“In the past, we cannot find female petroleum engineers in Myanmar. When we see women petroleum engineers in other countries, we feel inspired and want to prove to the world that Myanmar women can be petroleum engineers too. Today, we are realizing the dream and I am very happy to make it happen myself. Traditionally, Myanmar women are seen as gentle both mentally and physically, thus unfit for what an oil field demands on them. Many tend to think science and engineering subjects go well with men while women should pursue less demanding subjects like art.”

Furthermore, science and engineering subjects themselves are a form of art—you won’t know unless you try it yourself, the Junior Engineer insists. “Women’s unique point of view in combination with scientific knowledge can help pave the way for the development of innovative and fresh technological ideas. Therefore, I wish to encourage more girls and women in Myanmar to follow the field of science and engineering if they are really into it.”

Throughout her childhood in which her father was most of the time away from home for work, her mother nurtured Thae Hnin Si and her sister to be independent and strong as young girls. Not only this, Thae Hnin Si adopts her mother’s kind-heartedness.

As a growing working adult, she looks into good traits and ideas in everyone she meets and regards them as mentors while learning life lessons from them. She says, “Every person has both good points and bad points. I have adopted the practice of learning their good points and avoiding the bad ones.”

Being a declared introvert who enjoys being alone when her duties are over, the Junior Engineer develops a habit of greeting people she meets at the workplace with a smile. With a bright smile, she concludes, “Your smile can brighten someone who is having a bad day. It will also make them easier to remember you while it costs you nothing. Let’s spread love and kindness specifically in this difficult time and that’s what really matters at the end of the day for all of us, doesn’t it?”


Internship Experience of Mechanical Engineering Graduate

Let me start by explaining how I became an intern at MRPL E&P. I am Banyar Myo Tin, a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of Glasgow. After graduating in June, I updated my CV and made a targeted CV for MPRL E&P – the leader in Myanmar’s upstream energy sector.

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Internship Experience of Mechanical Engineering Graduate

Let me start by explaining how I became an intern at MRPL E&P. I am Banyar Myo Tin, a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of Glasgow. After graduating in June, I updated my CV and made a targeted CV for MPRL E&P – the leader in Myanmar’s upstream energy sector.

I have always worried about energy sources running out. If we look at our mature Mann Oil Field, a gradually depleting production rate can be seen. I believe right now is the turning point for Myanmar’s oil and gas economy with enhanced oil recovery being implemented on the depleted wells of Mann Field, while gas exploration is extensively done offshore at the Rakhine and Ayeyarwady basins in partnership with Woodside Energy and Total E&P.

Initially, I had a vague understanding of the job setting at MPRL E&P’s Mann Field, but I was ready to work hard. What I did not expect was to stand under the sun from 6:00 am until lunch break at 11 am; coming back to the base camp to study the theories behind what I had learned in the field. On days when I was not studying, I would be taken back on site to examine the intricacies of working with obsolete machinery.

The working hours are 12 hours (5:00 am to 5:00 pm) which seems like a lot, and tires you out both physically and mentally. However, my first week with Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) was a smooth ride. I was given an HSE orientation alongside the HSE operation manual. I read the HSE manual in a day and took out the relevant information for the upcoming safety meeting with the M&A catering service. Around 30 catering staff attended the meeting where I shared the information I read from the HSE manual. I cited some health and safety-related issues for improvements at the base camp.

On my second day with HSE, I got to experience first-hand a Perforation job on a previously shut-in well #637. When we arrived at the well, an engineer from Schlumberger rounded the staff on site to give us a safety toolbox talk. Safety precautions such as keeping the area radio silent and stopping all traffic across the well site were briefed. Once the toolbox talk was over, one supervisor after the other came to explain to me about what was going on. I am pretty sure I had puzzled eyes, and nodded involuntarily throughout our 3-hour long “discussion”. I was new to everything and I could not grasp 90 percent of the technical information they were flooding me with.

We endured through it until the HSE officer wanted me to see the safety measures taken when operating with a pulling unit. He took me over to another well with less action so that I could observe the preventative measures implemented according to the JSA (Job Safety Analysis). The well was being swabbed for oil using the P-75 pulling unit. The pulling unit supervisor, like the supervisors from the previous well, introduced himself and started explaining the mechanisms and reasons for doing casing swabbing. By then I realized my lack of knowledge was hindering my opportunity to learn more onsite. Thus, I decided to read in my free time to deepen my understanding of the work. From that day onward, I stayed on the field until noon and did the background reading afterward. After the HSE week, I was moved to other departments such as the Downhole Workshop, Pumping Unit, Echometer (MJ6), and Pulling Unit.

The learning experience at each department was more fluid and enriching than universities. For instance, when I had a question about the slow jack principal, the pumping unit supervisor immediately took me to a well site to show how this was applied. When we got back to the office, he went to the library to show me the theory behind it, and printed the pages for me to read.

At the end of my first month at Mann Field, I got to experience another objective of MPRL E&P: maintaining the interrelationship between the locals and the company healthy while maintaining a social license to operate. It is important to give back to the community when we are working on lands that locals call home. Thus, MPRL E&P’s department CSR & Communications is specially designed to work towards the betterment of the community with coexistence of two parties in mind.

I first joined the CSR activities when there was a meeting with the locals regarding a Community Investment about 40+ sesame farmers that profited using the GAP method provisioned by CSR. Following that, there was another meeting with community-based volunteers, which was held at Auk Kyaung Pagoda. It was there that I learned the “bridges between the company and the locals”, a phrase they used to symbolize the volunteers. However, I believe these people are more than just a communication bridge as they are engaged in the activities and ultimately act as the engine of the entire CSR team. Their efforts are paid with the smiles and gratitude of the locals which helps bring up the overall image of the company. They are also involved in every activity that the CSR team does, which includes, but not limited to, Community Infrastructure Development, Operational Grievance Mechanism, Community Capacity Building, Community Healthcare, Waste Management Program, community meetings, and knowledge-sharing sessions. I was told that volunteers are also involved in the mobile clinic established by MPRL E&P, but I did not get to experience it since the clinic operation was halted due to COVID-19.

Another thing that’s free, apart from the volunteer’s incentive, is the free-flow of empathy and responsibility taken by the MPRL E&P’s CSR Field Team. For instance, the locals would directly call the CSR Field Coordinator to inform of an oil spill at 5 am in the morning. The Coordinator could not stay home but immediately reacted to it and helped solve the case with the support of the Field Operations Team and MOGE Departments, although it was out of her office hours.

To summarize, I have realized that a friendly, cooperative relationship has been built between MPRL E&P and the Communities surrounding Mann Oil Field over the six years since the CSR Department was established. It is amazing how strategic community investment projects have turned conventional strong-headed villagers into engaging in activities together with the company and to be lenient when it comes to dealing with the company. Owing to the hard work of CSR, MPRL E&P can contribute to sustainable developments and improve the livelihoods of communities where it operates through active engagement and regular dialogue.

During my first month at Mann Field, I believe the tightly-knit staff at Mann Field was the highlight. It is amazing how respect and work-knowledge come before the ranks. Every practical suggestion is considered and the standard of work taking place keeps getting better with time and additional recommendation.

This is an insight into my one-months’ worth of internship at Mann Field. I still have one more month there, to learn from Uncle U Win Myint at the mechanical workshop and research a way to lower the cost of a DFPS by working with Ko Soe Thiha. Afterward, I will be continuing my internship at the Yangon Vantage Tower office, where I will be giving presentations on the things I experienced and making suggestions on how production can be increased. Once I am done with my study at MPRL E&P, I will pursue a master’s degree specializing in exploring new oil and gas reservoirs for the growth of our economy.


Working in the Field Operations: Perspectives of a Female Petroleum Engineer

While the oil and gas industry offers one of the world’s most rewarding careers, it is also demanding for its petroleum engineers, requiring them to solve challenging problems. However, this is part of the fun, and the multi-billion dollar question for a petroleum engineer who takes up the challenge is “how can I make the most of my life in the field?”

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Working in the Field Operations: Perspectives of a Female Petroleum Engineer

While the oil and gas industry offers one of the world’s most rewarding careers, it is also demanding for its petroleum engineers, requiring them to solve challenging problems. However, this is part of the fun, and the multi-billion dollar question for a petroleum engineer who takes up the challenge is “how can I make the most of my life in the field?”

“My daily work routine starts at six in the morning and ends at around five in the evening, like everyone else in the field. Currently I am assigned in the Echo Meter Team and I monitor conditions of the wells on a daily basis. If there is something wrong with the wells, I have to conduct a survey and troubleshoot, then report to supervisors,” said Ma Thin Thandar Win who works in Mann Field as a Junior Engineer.

Born and raised in Yangon as an only child, Thandar’s initial childhood dream was to become a pilot. Yet she ended up studying Petroleum Engineering at the Yangon Technological University (YTU) after passing the matriculation exam in 2012.

During her six years at the university, she took part in four internship programs. In those programs, she became familiar with the working nature of the oil and gas industry, and the link between practices and theories after observing the real-life application of equipment and tools. To ready herself, she trained herself in time management, interpersonal skills, and public speaking.

“It used to be very difficult for me to speak in front of people during my freshman year. However, it was a necessary skill as we had to make presentations about what we had studied during the internships. So preparations and self-rehearsals helped me to overcome it. Now I’m pretty confident.”

As a Junior Engineer, Thandar is dedicated herself to the 24/7 operations in one of the oldest onshore producing fields in Myanmar. “Mann Field which has been fulfilling national oil demands for a long time, and its Enhanced Oil Recovery Project is a testimony to responsible business with regard to environmental and social impact management through environmental management plans, rigorous corporate social responsibility initiatives and promoting a positive safety culture. I am happy to be involved in this specimen field as my very first career step. Along the way I have opened my eyes to the country’s energy industry and its role in the wider context.”

She said teamwork plays a critical role in the field operations to deliver optimum economic results. There are many oil wells under operations, and subject matter experts from a variety of disciplines work together to ensure all those wells are running and producing oil as expected. According to her, the keys are good communications, trust, and synergy.

“The weather conditions here are quite extreme, so you have to be strong both mentally and physically to work under such conditions on a daily basis. I work 28 consecutive days in the operations and then I am off for two weeks. Many people tend to think that this is not a suitable job for a woman who is generally considered physically weak.”

She insisted that a can-do spirit, good health, and physical strength shows that women can work side-by-side with men. Conservative thoughts of not allowing women in certain workplaces should wane with more women being welcomed and accepted to “find their own place and shine”.

“Given a relative lack of gender diversity in the oil and gas industry, the industry should ensure its attractiveness and reputation to women candidates by providing a wide range of compelling job opportunities. It should also ensure that women have equal career development opportunities, especially in technical roles which are often critical to career advancement, through necessary support. When women persist in the industry, there will be gender balance, higher quality of teamwork, diversity of perspectives, and creativity.”

Being an admirer of Mother Teresa, well-known humanitarian for her great love and compassion, Thandar is inspired to live a life free from fears, and dare to do things others don’t.

“I am the type of person who likes taking new challenges, amalgamating practices and theories, solving problems, and playing with new ideas in order to support the field operations. Basically, I am a field person.”

The Junior Engineer has also set her heart to becoming a production engineer, possibly in a natural gas field, as her future career path with the full support of her parents who always believed in her and respect her decisions. In this regard, she understands life-long learning in technical know-how and general knowledge about the industry alongside refining communications, problem-solving, analytical skills and creativity are integral to ensure a successful career. In addition, determination, persistence and adaptability will ensure that she continues to break future glass ceilings.

Thandar is hopeful of the country’s energy industry which continues to attract foreign investments by opening up opportunities, and the resulting role of women.

“The industry plays a very important role in improving the country’s economy and quality of life. In the coming years, it is obvious that we have to produce more oil and gas to meet growing demands; in this regard we will need more capable human resources. This is a good opportunity for women in Myanmar, who remain as untapped resources, especially in science and engineering disciplines. I would like to encourage the next generation of women to prepare their best as the oil and gas industry will inevitably have to harness the power of women engineers to fulfill national energy needs and drive economic development.”


Internship @ MPRL E&P

Kyi Kyi Shonn became an intern at MPRL E&P after completing her First Year in Environmental Studies at the Yangon University. She was interested in gaining practical experience related to community service and environmental management during her 2-month holiday. Here is her internship story.

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Internship @ MPRL E&P

Kyi Kyi Shonn became an intern at MPRL E&P after completing her First Year in Environmental Studies at the Yangon University. She was interested in gaining practical experience related to community service and environmental management during her 2-month holiday. Here is her internship story.

Environmental Studies is a new course recently introduced at the Yangon University and I applied for it as I wanted to understand more about the world we live in, and how human activities are having major impacts on the environment like pollutions. I believe the course will allow me to find ways to creating a healthier and better environment for us. In my minor subject which was Environmental Geology, I learnt about oil, gas, coal and other concepts such as groundwater, reservoirs, erosions and wastes. However, I wanted to understand more about oil and gas fields, and my father happens to work at the HSE Department of MPRL E&P. So I decided to apply for an internship there and immerse myself in the field I was interested for two months. My hosts were HSE Department, and CSR & Communications Department, where I learnt about health, safety, environment and corporate social responsibility matters.

The internship was a step-by-step program, and during the first week, I went through several orientations sessions to have a general understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the departments in the organization. In addition to these, I read many of the previous issues of Insight!, a great way to gain insights into the company’s past, present and future activities as well as staff stories. I got myself used to the daily office routine too.

Learning about CSR

During an information session by the CSR Department, I learnt that CSR is not donation and the communities in Mann Field play a big part in the CSR projects being implemented there. There are also Community Volunteers who serve as a bridge to facilitate communications between communities and the company like the Operational Grievance Mechanism (OGM). In my point of view, CSR is the company’s image and it is really important. I witnessed this when I went to Mann Field along with the CSR Team to contribute to the OGM Awareness Raising Campaign and CSR Open Day. Before the event, I got a chance to observe the CSR Team educating the local schools how to apply proper cleansing methods to the water purification units installed to obtain clean drinking water. I also listened to a lively discussion among Community Volunteers about the community-led waste management system in Mann Field through the facilitation of the CSR Team.

The CSR Open Day on 2 November was a great event, and lots of preparations were made to ensure a success. There were 11 groups of school children competing against one another through their cute performance to the OGM Theme Song. At intervals, we were entertained by the Field Operations Teams with their amazing performance. I myself was busy taking care of the Environmental Booth and quizzing visitor children about their general knowledge on the environment. In return we rewarded right answerers with notebooks. Even if they couldn’t answer, I gave them a hint. So altogether we gave out 14 dozens of notebooks to the children from the community schools! Although I had a hard time thinking about different questions, it was really fun. I was happy to see the children got excited at the questions and trying their best to answer them. What a remarkable memory and irreplaceable experience in my internship!

Learning about HSE

During the first day in Mann Field, I attended the CSR Performance Progress Update Meeting and Environmental Monitoring Activities Meeting. I also looked around the field operations sites, and visited the Waste Management Compound where waste is segregated for proper recycling and disposal. I found the composing system for the food waste from the Kitchen very interesting as it is turned into natural fertilizers.

I went to see how crude oil is produced by using pump jacks and collected in oil tankers at the GOCS-2. Then produced water is separated by using gravity methods and it is injected into the shut-in wells so that none of it is discharged outside the field. I also had a chance to see how water samples were collected from the water bodies in Mann Field to study their quality at a laboratory to ensure they are not impacted by the injection of produced water. In addition, I observed how the HSE Department takes care of the qualities of air in or near Mann Field.

As a highlight of my internship, I took time to read the Mann Field Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in which I noted there was an Environmental Management Plan mentioning managing impacts related to air quality, noise, landscape as well as water qualities. It enabled me to understand the impacts of oil and gas field operations and why it is important to manage them effectively in order to maintain good environmental health.

This two-month internship was a great opportunity for me to get a glimpse into the oil and gas business, its operations and its sustainability strategies related to environmental and social impact management. It also helped me build confidence in communications and develop new relationships. Overall, it helped me grow in knowledge, capacity and self-disciplines. This would not have happened without the kind support of the company and its personnel. Thank you very much!

Investing in the Engineering Talent of Myanmar and Developing a Generation of Oil and Gas Leaders

MPRL E&P is getting behind the education sector of Myanmar


Ensuring a future for oil and gas in Myanmar