We believe in having continuous engagement with communities to obtain public input and improve efficiency, transparency, and public involvement in our projects.

There are a number of stakeholders that should be consulted during any onshore or offshore projects. MPRL E&P engages with diverse groups ranging from small and large landowners, fisherman, and farmers. We believe consultation is important in establishing effective communication and partnerships. Our approach to consultation is transparent, inclusive, and culturally appropriate.
Prior to initiating consultation activities, MPRL E&P takes the following into consideration:
- Community decision-making conventions and protocols
- Accessibility to information including information relating to impacts and mitigation measures
- Capturing the needs of all groups including those that are marginalized or vulnerable
MPRL E&P’s consultation activities include:
- Information disclosure
- Community led participatory engagement
- Development of strategic partnerships
Recently, a community consultation on Environmental and Social Impact Assessments for our onshore block IOR-6 was conducted. The consultation activity took place with local government representatives and project affected communities.
IOR – 6 | MPRL E&P commissioned Environmental Resources Management (ERM), supported by local specialists from Resource and Environment Myanmar (REM), to conduct impact assessments in the project area.
A total of 8 workshops were conducted between 15th and 16th December 2015 primarily with host communities, MOGE Representatives, and Township Authorities. The purpose of the workshops was to provide primary stakeholders with the opportunity to understand and provide feedback on the findings, risks, and impacts identified in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report on seismic and work over activities in block IOR-6. Primary stakeholders conveyed a number of suggestions to positively influence the intended operations and to mitigate the associated environmental and social risks. Suggestions that have been found beneficial include the following:
A-6 | 2 consultations held in Pathein, Chaungthar, and Shwe Thaungyan. Stakeholders included Ayerwaddy Ministries, relevant general admin, Department of Tourism, Department of Fisheries, fisherman and fishing associations and civil society organizations.
Follow-up were consultations held with communities and township authorities from Nga Yoke Kaung Bay. MPRL E&P along with community based volunteers from Mann field initiated workshops with the following stakeholders:
6 hamlets forming Nant Thar Pu village group were invited to attend the workshop to receive information on the company and project. Stories were shared to illustrate the company’s community approach previously adopted in Mann field. Volunteers were encouraged to share their experience with MPRL E&P, including challenges and success stories. |