We have the responsibility to respect human rights by placing a strong focus on how we interact with communities, security, labor rights, and supply chain conditions.

We recognize that our activities can impact people’s lives and in the process respecting labor rights and human rights is a critical element of doing business responsibly. Human rights abuses will not be tolerated or encouraged in any projects undertaken by the company.
Our Strategy
MPRL E&P is committed to respecting human rights as indicated by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We endeavor to:
- Manage potential human rights issues through internal controls relating to contracts, environment, ethical conduct, human resources, security, and social performance.
- Recognize that we should provide, or assist in providing, remedy for human rights impact resulting from our activities. We require our operations to take a multi-stakeholder approach to establishing operational grievance mechanisms to facilitate resolutions of any grievances.
- Ensure an ongoing due diligence process will take place to periodically monitor and review human rights risks and uphold MPRL E&P’s respect for human rights.
Our Management Framework
- We provide human rights information sessions to all employees to ensure they are aware of the company’s approach to human rights including risks and impact.
- Our CSR Department is tasked with communicating openly and transparently to our stakeholders regarding our performance through a variety of engagement methods that include, but is not limited to, disclosure workshops, coordination meetings, and performance reviews.
- We publicly report on our human rights objectives and performance through our website and annual Communication on Progress Report.
- We encourage reporting of human rights concerns by our stakeholder including but not limited to our employees, suppliers, contractors and members of the public through community human rights mechanisms or whistleblowing tools.
Company Policies Related To Human Rights
MPRL E&P Policies that manifest our public commitment to protecting and promoting internationally recognized human rights are as follows.
- Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing Manual
- Occupational Health & Safety Policy
- Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Employee Grievance Policy
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Employment Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy