Innovation and technology has led to successfully enhancing oil production in Mann Field. Meaningful engagement in Mann Field with local government and surrounding communities has built strong partnerships that have led to achieving the highest standards of HSE and social impact management.

oil & gas

Asset Redevelopment History

Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) is the national oil company of Myanmar and the operator of the Mann Field, the second best oil producing onshore asset in Myanmar. The asset is managed under a Performance Compensation Contract (PCC) whereby MPRL E&P is the service contractor to MOGE responsible for enhancing production. MPRL E&P is compensated with a share of the oil produced above the existing baseline production (baseline production is the production rate the asset would produce at if there was no investment and enhancement activities undertaken). Since the signing of the PCC in 1996, MPRL E&P, together with MOGE, has significantly slowed down the annual decline rate of the field by drilling new wells, deepening existing wells and perforating by-passed oil-bearing sandstones.

MPRL E&P has also successfully pioneered enhanced oil recovery techniques such as the use of paraffin scavenger enzymes (Greenzyme) and stimulation. MPRL E&P is also at the forefront of the Myanmar onshore petroleum industry for HSE practices, such as by transferring 100% of the produced formation water back to the reservoir sands. Such water disposal practices not only slows down the decline in reservoir pressure but also preserves the environment through minimizing our footprint. MPRL E&P also implements and adheres to some of the highest levels of social management and in 2014, pioneered the use of a grievance mechanism process in 13 communities within Mann field.

oil and gas exploration and production company

Key Facts

  • Locations: Central Myanmar Basin, Myanmar
  • Fiscal Regime: PCC (Performance Compensation Contract)
  • Block Size: Approximately 52 sq-km
  • Participating Interest: MOGE (Operator), MPRL E&P Pte Ltd. (Main Contractor)
  • Current Period: August 2024

Key highlights

Costs Savings Realized by Myanmar to Date on Account of Mann Field Incremental Production


Total Number of Wells in Mann Field


Total Investment Made in Mann Field since 1996


Mann Field Peak Production (in 1979)


Original Oil In Place

million barrels

Proportion of Produced Formation Water Disposed Back into the Subsurface Formation

of total produced water

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